Breeding Genetic Gold
A never-ending passion to breed the “Best” of the next generation using the absolute “Best” of the last generation.
Tucked away in the beautiful rolling hills of Central Kentucky you can find some genetic treasures you would expect to find more at home on a Japanese Wagyu farm on the other side of the globe…
Kentucky Stud is a Wagyu breeding operation founded and based in its orgin from the best Fullblood Wagyu Genetics available. Owner Joe Pettit has been deeply involved in the pursuit of Wagyu from his first bite of Wagyu Ribeye 15 years ago.
We host our online and live production sales with Studwagyuauction.com.
Click the link to see our upcoming sales and history.
The never ending passion to breed the “Best” of the next generation using the absolute “Best”of the last generation is apparent when one takes the time to familiarize themselves with the genetic base of the stud herd.
Even today one can find some of the foundation Synergy Wagyu animals in residence at Kentucky Stud. As one of the founding members of Synergy Wagyu, Joe Pettit has continued on with the common breeding philosophy he shared with his Synergy Wagyu partners Loren and Mitchell Ruth. That all important philosphy is that the “Genetic Gold” lies in the maternal family.
Although it is well known that both the sire and dam contribute valuable DNA to the progeny only the dam passes her mitochondrial DNA, the sire does not.
There is no doubt that the sires can and do “Express” or “Stamp” themselves in their progeny. However there is no denying that certain great females have and still do consistently provide their progeny with key DNA that makes the difference.
This would be why you have that one cow who always throws the standout calf! At Kentucky Stud Wagyu, we strive to make those females.
Enjoy our web site, please sort through our families while we continue to breed forward. Notice as you digest our donors and herd sires, our breeding philosophy and more importantly our “BREEDING STANDARDS” will be apparent and can be found under the “How We Breed” page.