Okutani is famous as one of the three original imported females to arrive in the USA.
She is best known as the Dam of both Genjiro and Beijiro. She is a fmale that played a large roll in future generations and many of the best breeding programs will seek out the “ Okutani's” for their herd influence.
At Kentucky Stud we have a special Okutani we are very excited to be working with.
KR MS SANJIROU E244 Reg #FB30194
244 is a young Two year old that will enter our Donor Program this coming Summer.
We acquired this outstanding heifer from Kay Ranch in Texas. She sports a top shelf sire stack.
Sire Stack
Sanjirou X JVP Kikuyasu 400 X JVP Fukutsuru 068 X TF Kikuhana X Haruki 2 X Okutani
This young heifer had the largest Rib-eye scan ever recorded at Kay Ranch.
This great developmental Pedigree that encompasses some of the best Sires for size, IMF and carcass quality should make her genetics a very valuable addition to any serious breeding program. Her extremely low COI will make selection of future sires for mating easily done with many options.
Tenderness 5
COI 2.75%