World K’s Michifuku (FB1615) - $ 90.00
Former #1 marbling sire in the USA. He is considered by many breeders to be the best carcass bull outside of Japan.
He is noted for exceptional ribeye muscle. World K data shows 85% of his carcasses graded out at least three steps above prime.
World K’s Shigeshigetani (FB2907) - $175.00
World K Bull noted for producing exceptional carcasses, with more than 90% grading out at three steps over prime ( 9+ Aus).
A bull known for small calves that grow quickly.
He is the sire of Bar R Shigeshigetani 30T
75% Tajima
World K’s Sanjirou (FB2501) - $150.00
One of the highest marbling sires in the breed, even slightly exceeding his sire (Michifuku). He is noted for superior carcasses with large ribeye muscle
Suzutani Progeny
World K’s Yasafuku jr (FB5061) - $150.00
A direct son of Yasafuku 930 who was considered by many to be the greatest bull in Japan. He is noted for excellent carcass quality and producing Dams of high IMF genetics.
Yasafuku 930 is 100% Tajima
World K’s Haruki 2 (FB1614) - $100.00
A half brother to Michifuku (also sired by Monjiro) and the sire of Shigeshigetani. He is known for both quality carcasses as well as passing strong maternal traits onto his daughters.
Australian Registration: KSWFR325 STUD MR NAMI SUZUTANI 325H R325
American Registration Link: STUD MR NAMI SUZUTANI 325H ET
Notes: STUD "Nami" 325 a direct son of TF148 Itoshigenami, the sire of the number one Wagyu Bull in the world ( Itoshigenami jr). Further stacking World K's Shigeshigetani on top of TF151 Itozuru doi. You will note Suzutaka 2 on the maternal baseline , she is the direct daughter of the " Matron" of the breed Suzutani ! The appearance of Shigeshigetani in his maternal tree means ,Suzutani is apparent twice in the maternal side .His granddam is one of the highest selling females in the Wagyu breed. Stud 325 is bred top and bottom impeccably for carcass quality off the charts. His genomic testing confirms this with his 2.0 MS , placing him in the top 3% of breedplan for Marble score. He will have progeny on the ground in Australia in 2022 as part of the AWA's progeny test program. The Ribeye picture in the galley is produce of his Dam's full sibling. This is a special family!
Semen is stores at: Great lakes Sires , Michigan -- Shipping is expense of buyer--
Countries where export eligible to: Domestic USA
B3-Free, F11-Carrier, IARS-Non Carrier (Free), CHS-Free, Gallery Picture of Ribeye from Full sibling to the Dam of Stud 325, SCD VA Tend 10
** This sire ranks in the top 3% of Breedplan for Marblescore**
** This sire is participating in the breed leading progeny test in Australia, one of only 4 Bulls from the USA** ** gallery Pic shows carcass pic produced by full sib to the dam of STUD 325**
1-10 straws $ 60.00 ea
11-20 straws $ 50.00 ea
21-50 straws $ 40.00 ea
51+ straws $ 25.00 ea
100+ straws $ 20.00 ea
STUD MR NAMI SUZUTANI 327H 327 is a pedigree specimen. He is a direct son of the Great Itoshigenami jr TF148 who himself sired the number one Bull in the world Itoshigenami jr. Itoshigenami jr semen sells each year in the $68,000 area.
His second generation maternal sire is World K’s Shigeshigetani. A Bull that was thought for generations to be the best, based on his 15K Carcasses harvested ,90 % of those grading three full steps above prime. With modern day genomics now available on Shigeshigetani , one can see the opinion was spot on. He is not only documented now for the exceptional carcasses he produces; he is also a Breed plan Genomic wonder. He is a top 1% in gestation, top 5% in Birth weight, Top percentile in Marble score and flirts with the breed leader at Eye Muscle. Because of these incredible traits he borders on top index numbers in all important categories. Perhaps most importantly, he displays all of these traits with a 90%+ accuracy rating due to his volume of evaluated progeny. To this we add Itozuru doi TF151, well known as the greatest all around sire in the breed.
For a maternal base line, he comes from Suzutani. She is well documented as the greatest female in the breed outside of Japan. The dam of 327 is a top 2% animal for Eye Muscle and sits just below the top 5% for MS with a +1.5
STUD 327 is free of all recessive defects and has tested as an SCD VA Tenderness 10
This young Bull is currently available both domestically as well as CSS exportable.
STUD 327 will be taking part in the Australian Wagyu Association’s Progeny test to commence in October of 2021. He is only one of 6 Bulls in North America that will participate in this historical progeny test.
1-10 straws $50 ea
11-20 straws $40 ea
30-100 straws 30 ea
100+ straws $20 ea